of the Humanities
I. Humanistic tradition
Humanities of Latin America (HUM 2461) explores the human cultural legacy of
the region defined on another page as Latin America. This legacy has developed
through fifteen millennia during which time various peoples have created ideas
(philosophy), beliefs (religions), achievement, tools, habitats, and artifacts
(art, architecture) of lasting value, and they have handed them down from one
generation to the next. Peoples in the Western Hemisphere have dealt with their
own specific physical context (oceans, jungles, mountains, etc.) and hardships
(wars, diseases, etc.) in ways unique to the conditions found in the lands
located between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Both individuals and
groups of people have produced the objects, ideas, and values that have
contributed to this legacy. In fact, the idea of handing on an enduring legacy
is one of the most distinctive features of any and all humanistic traditions.
II. Culture
is a grammar composed of a discrete number of symbols, artifacts, beliefs, and
communicative means all of which are continuously created by, revised, and
renewed by individuals and their unique speech communities in a synthetic
manner the purpose and use of which is to understand the past, cope with the
present, and create their distinctive future. Since the notion and term
“meme” was first proposed by Richard Dawkins at Oxford University
in 1976 (The Selfish Gene), memes are replicative aspects of culture
such as habits, skills, and all kinds of information that is copied from one
person to another and from one group to another. Because copying these
elementary particles of culture is imperfect—human beings are imperfect
mimics and communicators by nature—variation and selection are essential
products of mimetic culture. The Oxford English Dictionary defines memes as
“an element of culture that may be considered to be passed on by
non-genetic means, esp. imitation.” When memes group into systems they
are known as memeplexes.
These include cultural systems such as sports, communication systems, politics,
and all of the humanities. In the twenty-first century, the Internet, for
example, is a vast memeplex.
III. Fields of study
humanities often are described in a list of separate fields of knowledge,
production, and study. Traditionally, these fields have included: art,
architecture, dance, history, (foreign and native) languages, literature
(poetry, drama, prose fiction, essay), military arts, music, philosophy, and
religion. For the past century, new humanistic fields have been introduced,
including cinema, photography, theater, and translation. Any and all of these
fields can be organized into separate academic and scholarly domains of study.
Each of these areas has a set of analytical tools unique to its own separate
discipline. In a course dedicated to the humanities of a relatively homogeneous
area (i.e., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, etc.), however,
a comparative approach is used. This means that examples of humanistic
productions will be viewed both by means of discipline-specific analytical
tools and by comparative techniques.
IV. Humanistic choices
how virtually unlimited the materials the humanities of Latin America are, and
given the confines of a three-credit hour semester-long college course, major
choices must be made. These choices are made by the instructor on the basis of
(1) chronological coverage (pre-Columbian to the present); (2) enduring
representative authority of the specific item or text chosen; (3) aesthetic
value (i.e., beauty understand in a broad and necessarily subjective sense);
(4) regional coverage (more north, central, and southern regions of Latin
America); and (5) diversity of Latin language base and indigenous language
community. In other words, this humanities course, like all courses in the
humanities, seeks balance universal value(s) with distinctively and uniquely
concrete humanistic products. All levels (old fashioned concepts such as so-called
“high culture” or “low culture”), types, values, contents,
and inclusion or exclusion from so-called canons (lists determined by actual or
self-proclaimed experts) can be considered as appropriate choices for a course
such as this one. However, a few criteria do tend to take precedence; notably,
(6) originality, (7) skilled craftsmanship, (8) importance of subject or theme,
(9) organizational coherence, and (10) how memorable and lasting the humanities
object is for the student and a wide audience.
V. Course goal
humanities course aims to invite student explorers and inquirers to (1)
discover a humanistic world that may be totally foreign and new to him/her; (2)
enrich knowledge about a world that may already be very or just somewhat
familiar; (3) expand self-knowledge through a process of exploring the Other
while opening oneself to integrating some of the values of this Other
humanistic tradition from the past and the living present into their own lives;
(4) learn and use humanistic analytical tools as system of learning that is
supplementary to a system the student may already be familiar with (i.e.,
social sciences, engineering, mathematics, health professions, etc.); and (5)
be open to the joy of new knowledge in the communal setting of a college class.
VI. Method and approach unique to
this course
major way of thinking, analyzing, and approaching the materials included in
this course is based on metaphor. A metaphor, simply stated,
is the joining together two separate and distinct images into a new unit of
thought. Some of the materials in this course are simply factual: dates, names,
places, etc. Other materials involved ideas. What unites
these things into a whole is metaphors. For example, see the very first image
that will be presented at the beginning of the course and this exists in this courses, on-line materials: a boy (image #1) and a
snake (image #2). Put them together and you have a metaphor, a boy-snake, if
you will, or something like that.
Summary definition. The humanities are:
those products of human creativity* that mediate between (A) a society's
power structure and (B) that society's mass of people irrespective of social or
economic class and the human values embedded in those people; and
these products tend to be passed on from generation to
generation through a series of social and historical processes.
Humanistic products can occur in these fields or in a combination of these
fields: art, architecture, dance, film, history, literature (essay, poetry, prose narrative), military arts, music, philosophy, photography,
religion, rhetoric (oratory), sculpture, textiles, and theater.