Havana (10)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© in the Hotel Palacio O'Farril in Havana.
Comments: While the professor-photographer was in the hotel's lobby, four people came into the room: this fifteen-year-old young woman, her mother, a photographer, and a man who tended to the young woman. In a phrase, this young woman was preparing/being prepared for her quinceañera celebration. The professor-photographer offered to leave while they were in the room, but they happily told him he could stay. He asked permission to take a couple of photos, and they explicitly gave him permission to do so. A quinceañera is a Hispanic tradition in which young women have a "coming of age," or a kind of Sweet Sixteen party in the English-speaking world, or a debutante celebration, or a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah; but, unlike the latter traditions, virtually all young Hispanic women are treated to a quinceañera. Interestingly, in this case, the mother had contracted a company to deck the girl out for the party, and the attendants had come to this hotel lobby to prepare her hair and to photograph here in two different gowns, of which you see one here (the other was golden yellow). While she was changed by the attendant the other one held up a screen for her privacy. Quinceañeras are extraordinarily expensive and elaborate, often including a priest at a church, a father-daughter dance at the party, the blessing by godparents, many gifts including a tiara and cash, an escort of siblings and friends (damas y chambelanes), religious symbols, and much more.
Humanities topic: Describe this image in detail.