Diego Rivera: Self-Portraits (3)

Source: WTL research files and photographs.
Image: This self-portrait (1923) is detail of a mural by Rivera at the Secretaría de Educación Pública in Mexico City. It is part of the detail painted in a stairway.
Comments: From 1923 to 1928 Rivera and others including the mason Luis Escobar work on the immense project of painting murals on the walls of a patio of the Secretaría de Educación Pública: 117 fresco panels. His technique included, at first (until it failed) an ancient method (nopal cactus juice) used by the Mexica at Teotihuacan. At first the public attacked his style and content, but Rivera perservered. This was a dynamic year in Mexican history: Pancho Villa was assassinated, and there was a presidential election.